Blackburn Young Families Project


All of the Family Centre’s work focuses on education and personal development. Health is a major focus of their work and is targeted from babies to grannies. Throughout all of our programmes we target the development of social skills and the building of self-esteem and confidence – particularly valuable for some participants who experience arduous family circumstances and/or find dealing with formal agencies difficult. The company’s aims are to promote the benefit of the inhabitants of Blackburn/Seafield and in particular children and their parents/families by advancing education, furthering health and providing or assisting in the provision of facilities for recreation and other leisure time occupation so that the condition of life of the aforementioned children and their parents/families may be improved. The Centre works primarily with families on low fixed income and they are able to offer them free Creche places while they are making use of the services provided by the Centre.

Contact details

Phone number:
01506 633 438
Email address:
1a Whitehill Road
EH47 7HQ

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