Murieston Initiative Limited


Currently, the hall in owned by West Lothian Council and is funded by grants and revenue generated from room hire. Future council funding cannot be guaranteed so it is essential to look at other methods of income and grants to ensure sustainability for the longer term. Murieston Village Hall is situated beside Livingston South Station. The Hall is on the Murieston Valley side of the railway line and the main approach is from the pedestrian tunnel leading from the Station car park and Bankton Centre on the north side of the railway. There are no car parking facilities adjacent to the hall so visitors must use the station car park. We appeal to drivers within a short walking distance of the station to leave their car at home whenever possible. Current activities within the hall include: •Guides •Rainbows •Brownies •Parent and Toddler groups •Exercise classes •Dance classes •50+ group •Art class •Karate Club •After School Club •Gamers

Contact details

Phone number:
07557 410303
Murieston Village Hall, Murieston Road
EH54 9AS

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