We are an independent charity which offers information and support to young people with additional support needs and their families in West Lothian. We believe that every young person should have the same choices in life and chances to succeed, despite any challenges they may be facing.
We try to provide a ‘one-stop shop’ where people can explain their needs and find support and information on any topic. We are also pleased to take enquiries from professionals working with families or individuals. Anyone can contact us – you don’t need a referral!
We also provide a confidential, supportive and non-judgemental environment for anyone who needs to discuss an issue or consider their options.
Our experienced staff often have helpful insights, additional information or contacts which will help you to plan what is best for yourself or your family.
If you live in West Lothian and have a child with a disability/additional support need age 0-18, then call us, we can help.
Contact details
Phone number:01506-431123
Email address:
Beatlie School Campus Craigshill
EH54 5EJ