St Johns Toddlers Group


All pre-school children are welcome. The sessions have an informal structure. We start with free play and a craft table then have snack/coffee followed by singing time before we tidy up. A suggested donation of £1 per week, per family is requested to help cover the group’s running costs. It would be great to see you there!
The sessions are usually packed full of happy, busy, growing, noisy babies, toddlers and pre-school children along with their parents, grandparents or carers. We don’t actively advertise but have a constant stream of new faces who have heard great things about our group and come along.
It is always lovely to see people naturally chatting and sharing the ups and downs of looking after little ones in a friendly atmosphere with good coffee and biscuits!

Contact details

Phone number:
01506 517031
Email address:
Union Road
EH49 7DY

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