Weslo Housing Management

A Housing service available in Bathgate.

Weslo Housing Management is a company limited by guarantee with charitable status and is governed by a Board of 12, headed by a non-Executive Chair. The Board is made up of 3 Executive Directors, who are charged with the day-to-day running of the business, 7 Community non-Executive Directors and 2 Tenant non-Executive Directors. Set up in 1993, Weslo Housing Management is one of the leading providers of housing and property services predominately in West Lothian and Falkirk Local Authority areas. Since inception, our geographical area has expanded to include Edinburgh, North Lanarkshire and South Lanarkshire Local Authority areas. We manage and maintain 2347 general needs properties for social rent. We provide a range of services to our tenants which include; Tenancy Management, Estate Management, Landscape Maintenance, Repairs, Welfare Benefits Advice, Garden Maintenance for tenants with disabilities We also provide an Estate Management Service to over 3,500 owners in mixed tenure estates. Our tenants and customers are at the heart of what we do, we seek feedback about our services through a series of satisfaction surveys .We have a Tenant Participation Committee who meet regularly to review and influence the services and information we provide, to ensure it is clear and easily understood.

Contact details

Phone number:
Email address:
66 North Bridge Street
EH48 4PP

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