Livingston Stroke Group affiliated to Chest Heart and Stroke Scotland {CHSS)
Meets at North Barn, Carmondean Community Centre Livingston
Tuesdays from 9.45 – 11.45
We are a small support group who need 2-3 volunteers to allow the group to grow.
Volunteers would help and support members who have had strokes.
Although, we regularly meet in the Community Centre we also go out to lunches, dinners, ten pin bowling etc.
We also have people in to give talks, for example when the new legislation came in regarding Wi-Fi connected smoke alarms in your home, the Fire Service came in and explained it to us all – very reassuring.
Recovering from a stroke takes time and new members of the group like meeting others in a similar position – for some it is the first social outing and for others they have been attending for some time.
If you would be interested please contact Agnes Anderson on 01506 492685 or email