

Almost all third sector groups are on the lookout for funding, whether it’s for everyday running costs, service improvements, or specific projects. However, securing funding is one of the most challenging aspects, especially in these tough economic times.

While we can’t obtain funding for you, we can assist in finding and identifying potential sources. These could include charitable trusts, government or local authority funding, or lottery funding streams.

Find Funding using West Lothian 4 Community

Access a free portal offering information on over 500 funding sources across the UK to support local voluntary organisations. This is free to use and is funded by West Lothian Council.

West Lothian 4 Community

Funding Resources:

Funding News
Stay updated with the latest news and developments on funding opportunities within the third sector.

Funding Scotland
SCVO’s Funding Scotland is an advanced online funding search for your charity, community group or social enterprise. From small grants to funding for big capital projects, it can help you track down the funding you need.

West Lothian 4 Community
Access a free portal offering information on over 500 funding sources across the UK to support local voluntary organisations
Easyfundraising transforms your supporters’ everyday online shopping into funds for your organisation. By shopping through the easyfundraising website or app, leading retailers donate to your charity at no extra cost to the shopper.

Other Organisational Support Available:

Community Benefit Gateway
Community Benefit Gateway (CBG) is a free online service that connects NHSScotland suppliers with third sector community organisations in Scotland. Register for free to receive practical support and assistance for your organisation.

Charity Excellence
Charity Help Finder is a free, easy-to-use platform for non-profits, offering access to 1,000+ providers and 23 search categories. It helps charities find donations, raffle prizes, fundraising support, free laptops, office space, furniture, consultancy, and more.

Need more support? Get in touch and speak to a member of our friendly team.

Get in touch 

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