Social Enterprise


What is a Social Enterprise?

A social enterprise is a business that trades for a social and/or environmental purpose. It will have a clear sense of its social aim – what difference it is trying to make, who it aims to help, and how it plans to do it.  Unlike a traditional business which focuses on making profits for its shareholders, a social enterprise uses business practices to achieve socially positive goals; most often the enterprise still makes a profit, but would responsibly reinvest it back into the company’s social aims. They can be both community interest companies, have charitable status or be a community benefit society or credit union. 

Most of its income will be made through selling goods or services and it will have clear rules about what it does with its profits, reinvesting these to achieve its social aims. 

Social enterprises are innovative, independent businesses that exist to deliver a specific social and/or environmental mission. Their profits are reinvested in their mission. Social enterprise is a dynamic, ethical and more sustainable way of doing business. There are more than 6,000 social enterprises in Scotland, generating more than £2.3 billion for Scotland’s economy, and supporting more than 88,000 jobs. 

What We Do

VSGWL supports your social enterprise creation or development by helping you to:

  • Understand the basic principles
  • Decide on the best structure, get set up and start operating
  • Examine whether your group could operate as a social enterprise
  • Make plans which underpin best practice, sustainability and getting results
  • Provide funding information and other news through our website and social media channels
  • Host networking events that align to Social Enterprise organisations and people
  • Provide Local Authorities, NHS procurement & Community Benefits support
  • VSGWL draws on a lot of help from other local and national delivery partners for Social Enterprise support

For more information on setting up a social enterprise, please visit our Governance Toolkit.


Accelerate is a support programme for the Third Sector and community organisations. Support is FREE and aims to help groups and organisations become more sustainable and enterprising.

Business Gateway West Lothian
Offers all general business support

Community Enterprise

Community Enterprise is an organisation dedicated to supporting and developing social enterprises and community-led initiatives. They offer a range of services including business development, funding advice, and capacity building to help communities thrive.

Just Enterprise
A consortium of 10 specialist sector organisations, with a wealth of experience in launching and developing social enterprises across Scotland.

Resource for practical start-up advice and support.

Scottish Enterprise

Scottish Enterprise is Scotland's national economic development agency, they facilitate business innovation and scaling to drive transformation within Scotland's economy.

Funding News

Stay updated with the latest news and developments on funding opportunities within the third sector.

West Lothian 4 Community

Access a free portal offering information on over 500 funding sources across the UK to support local voluntary organisations.

The National Lottery Community Fund

Discover the most recent funding opportunities available.

Social Investment Scotland (SIS)

Offers business loans specifically for Third Sector organisations.

Responsible Finance

Provide a source of social investment funding.

Community Shares Scotland

Explore innovative methods for funding social enterprises.

LawWorks Scotland

Offers free legal advice for non-profits, including social enterprises.

Social Enterprise Scotland TV

Take a look at social enterprises in action

The Guardian - Sustainable Business

Publishes social enterprise news stories

Pioneers Post

Publishes social enterprise news stories


Information on choosing a business structure and setting up a Social Enterprise.

Social Enterprise Academy

Social Enterprise Scotland is the collective and campaigning voice of social enterprise, and provides access to Scotland’s social enterprise community

Social Enterprise Scotland

The national membership, support, policy and campaigning body for all social enterprises in Scotland

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO)

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is the national body representing the interests of charities, voluntary organisations, and social enterprises in Scotland. It provides support, resources, and advocacy to help these organisations thrive and contribute to society.

Development Trusts Association Scotland

Local community-led regeneration organisations

CIC Regulator

UK regulator for all CICs

Financial Conduct Authority

Regulating the financial conduct of over 70,000 businesses#

Offices of the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR)

The Offices of the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR) is the independent regulator and registrar for Scottish charities

Other Useful Links:



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