VSGWL is the Third Sector Interface (TSI) for West Lothian. Our main goal is to support and develop the local Third Sector, which includes charities, social enterprises, and community groups led by volunteers. We work to strengthen the sector and build partnerships that drive real change by connecting people, ideas, and resources.
We collaborate with the voluntary sector and key public organisations to improve the lives of individuals and communities in West Lothian.
In Scotland, there are 32 TSIs, one for each local authority area. These TSIs come together regularly to share best practices and support the wider sector. The national vision for TSIs is to create resilient and empowered communities that contribute to a stronger, fairer Scotland, with a thriving Third Sector at its core.
In 2020, the TSI Network introduced its first Manifesto for Change to build a fairer future for Scotland.
VSGWL aims to:
- Increase opportunities and enthusiasm for volunteering
- Help volunteer-involving organisations recruit, manage, and retain volunteers more effectively
- Support the growth and development of social enterprises
- Ensure Third Sector organisations are well governed, managed, and capable of delivering quality outcomes
- Improve connections and influence of Third Sector organisations in public policy
- Maintain effective governance and management within the organisation itself
Vision and Mission
Key Vision
To work collaboratively with our Third Sector partners in West Lothian building vibrant, strong and resilient communities
To be the first choice for volunteers and organisations seeking help and will assist them to:
- Realise their ambitions.
- Have an effective voice in influencing policy and development.
- Develop a culture of openness, trust and partnership working.
- Provide professional support and guidance throughout the journey.