There are now only 4 weeks left to apply to the 2023 SURF Awards for Best Practice in Community Regeneration.
The SURF Awards are delivered in partnership with the Scottish Government, with additional support from Creative Scotland, Highlands and Islands Enterprise, Scottish Procurement Alliance, Institue of Employability Professionals, Scotland’s Towns Partnership and Architecture & Design Scotland.
The purpose is to highlight, celebrate and share the achievements of initiatives that address physical, social and economic challenges in communities across Scotland.
The 5 categories this year are:
- Community Led Regeneration
- Creative Regeneration
- Improving Scotland’s Places
- Removing Barriers to Employability (now open to all employability initiatives)
- Housing and Regeneration
The deadline for applications is 5pm on Monday 4th September.
You may be interested in applying for an Award or you may know a project who might be interested in applying or who deserves an Award.
You can download all of the application materials and find out more about the Awards here: