Scottish Government has opened 2 surveys around adult mental health services in Scotland:
National Specification for the delivery of psychological therapies and interventions in Scotland (linked)
An easy read version is also available.
A “specification” is a document which sets out the standards someone should expect when accessing or delivering psychological therapies or interventions. These standards are specific to psychological therapies and interventions, and are based on evidence about what should happen.
There is currently no national specification for this delivery in Scotland. People with lived experience of accessing psychological therapies and interventions, and people who work and volunteer in services, have identified this to Scottish Government as a barrier in the delivery of quality care and support.
The development of this specification aims to address this gap, and responses to the survey will be used in creating and developing the new national specification.
Quality Standards for Adult Secondary Mental Health Services (linked)
An easy read version is also available.
Currently, there are no national standards for adult secondary mental health services in Scotland. Again, during earlier work, both people with lived experience, and people who work and volunteer in services identified this as a barrier in the delivery provision of quality care and support.
The aims of the standards for adult secondary services are:
- to let individuals, their families and carers know what they can expect from a secondary mental health service
- to improve experiences and outcomes for people who use adult mental health secondary services
Responses to this survey will help create the final standards, and develop how Scottish Government and their partners measure if these standards are being met.
The surveys, managed by the Mental Health Performance and Improvement Unit, have been developed after engagement with people who access these therapies and services, the psychology and mental health workforce, and organisations who deliver services.
The deadline for responses to both surveys is Friday 17th March.
To submit your responses, please click on the survey titles linked above, or for further information, contact:
- National Specification enquires:
- Quality Standards enquiries: