It has been great to see the community responding to the impact that COVID-19 (Coronavirus) will have on our community and everyone on the team at VSGWL has been really touched by this.
We wanted to give you some information on what help is available in West Lothian, and how you can help out in your local area and informally keep a watch/ensure that any neighbours, older or vulnerable people are okay to help everyone get through the difficult times ahead:
Third Force News have released five things you can do in your community.
Facebook Groups
1. Coronavirus Scotland Updates & Help
2. Coronavirus in Scotland – Latest News and Updates
3. Coronavirus Support Scotland
4. West Lothian Covid-19 Community Support
5. Linlithgow Coronavirus Support
6. Whitburn Coronavirus Help Group / Whitburn CDT
7. Bathgate Community Coronavirus Help
8. Broxburn and Uphall Coronavirus Community Help
9. West Calder & Harburn – COVID-19 / West Calder & Harburn CDT
10. Uphall Helping Hands
11. Craigshill Good Neighbour Network
12. Pumpherston Community Council
13. Polbeth Covid-19 response
14. Communities in Action
15. Fauldhouse & Breich Valley Community Coronavirus Help
Age Scotland have released 10 tips you can follow.
Coronavirus Tech Handbook – If you are interested in setting up and organising community support volunteering you might find the Coronavirus Tech Handbook handy!
Chest Heart and Stroke Scotland are organising a range of help with great volunteer support – includes Kindness Callers, Community Kindness Supporters, Kindness Drivers and Digital Kindness Supporters. More details and how to sign up if you wish are available at:
Keeping Safe – Here are a few guides containing information/advice on keeping communities safe from scammers during these uncertain times.
- Police Scotland – Shut out scammers
- Trading Standards Scotland – Coronavirus Scams
- Trading Standards Scotland – ScamShare Bulletin
Organisations providing help in West Lothian
[accordion title=”Armadale & Blackridge” style=”h2″]Armadale
Organisations | Services provided | Contact details | Areas service provided |
The Dale Hub |
Angela Douglas 01501 733248 |
Armadale, Blackridge & Westfield |
Armadale Thistle Football Club
Bill Baird 01501 730454 |
>Armadale |
Organisations | Services provided | Contact details | Areas service provided |
Blackridge Community | Blackridge Help Page - Covid 19 |
Blackridge |
Organisations | Services provided | Contact details | Areas service provided |
Torphichen Community Council | Torphichen Facebook | Torphichen |
Organisations | Services Provided | Contact details | Areas service provided |
Westfield Parent Council |
Tania Burns 07837 007245 / 0131 468 0145 tania.tradesdirect |
Westfield & Brighouse |
Organisations | Services provided | Contact details | Areas service provided |
Bathgate Coronavirus Community help |
Rosslyn Clowe rosslyn_barr@ 07584 421710Bathgate Coronavirus Community help |
Bathgate & Boghall |
Organisations | Services provided | Contact details | Areas service provided |
Boghall Drop In Centre |
Kelly Drummond 01506 283201 Drop In Centre Facebook |
Boghall & Bathgate |
Organisations | Services provided | Contact details | Areas service provided |
Broxburn & Uphall Coronavirus Community Help | This group has been set up to help those vulnerable residents of the Broxburn & Uphall area through the challenges and affects of coronavirus | Broxburn & Uphall Coronavirus Community Help Facebook | Broxburn & Uphall |
Organisations | Services provided | Contact details | Areas service provided |
Uphall Helping Hands | Support with shopping/posting mail, friendly phone calls to residents affected by COVID19 in Uphall | Uphall Helping Hands Facebook | Uphall |
Organisations | Services provided | Contact details | Areas service provided |
Wichburgh Helping Hands/ Winchburgh CDT |
Support with shopping/posting mail, friendly phone calls to residents affected by COVID19 in Winchburgh. Keen for volunteers to help. Looking to help with a local food delivery service. | | Winchburgh |
Organisations | Services Provided | Contact details | Areas service provided |
Daisy Drop In | Elaine 01506 238998 07949 750305 |
Craigshill | |
West Lothian Youth Action Project |
Helen Davis 07719 716913For food parcel requests: |
Craigshill |
Livingston Festival Association |
Fiona McLeod Feemac1981@ Mc Alistair (Resident/Community Volunteer) 07538 184376 Franko1976@ outlook.comDeborah Carson (Resident/Community volunteer) 07528 233725 Debbie1carson@ |
Craigshill |
Almond Housing Association (AHA) |
Barbara Boertien 07921 526847 barbara.boertien@ |
Craigshill, Ladywell & AHA areas |
Craigshill Good Neighbour Network | Provision of activity packs for adults and essential household/personal care items for those experiencing hardship in addition to our telephone and online befriending support. | Jane Deary 07473 102669 |
East Calder
Organisations | Services provided | Contact details | Areas service provided |
East Calder CDT |
Morag Lyall (Director) Chris Davidson (Director)01506888525 |
East Calder & District |
Kirknewton and East Calder Church of Scotland |
Alistair Cowper (Minister) 01506 357083 / 07791 524504 acowper@churchof |
Kirknewton & East Calder |
Organisations | Services provided | Contact details | Areas service provided |
Kirknewton CDT |
Tony Foster (CEO) 07734 884320 tonykirknewton@ gmail.comShop contact 01506 885331 leave message for Ian Watt (Community Council Member) or Maria Bathgate (Volunteer Co-Ordinator) |
Kirknewton & Wilkieston |
Mid Calder
Organisations | Services provided | Contact details | Areas service provided |
Mid Calder CC & Kirk of Calder Elders |
Collecting essentials such as:
Eleanor Blair (Secretary) 07823 328609 eblair892@btinternet.comRev. John Povey (Minister Kirk of Calder) 01506 882495 |
Mid Calder |
Organisations | Services provided | Contact details | Areas service provided |
Pumpherston Community Council |
Karen Rogers pumpherstoncomm@ karen@325 07534 761457Pumpherston Community Council Facebook |
Pumpherston |
Uphall Station
Organisations | Services provided | Contact details | Areas service provided |
Uphall Station & Pumpherston Coronavirus help group | Uphall Station & Pumpherston Coronavirus help group Facebook | Uphall Station & Pumpherston |
Organisations | Services provided | Contact details | Areas service provided |
Fauldhouse and Breich Valley Coronavirus Help volununteers | If you live locally and if you are self isolating due to COVID-19, local volunteers could help you with:
07599 442 822 and Breich Valley Coronavirus Help Facebook |
Fauldhouse & Breich Valley |
Organisations | Services provided | Contact details | Areas service provided |
Polbeth Community Hub |
Errin Anderson 01506 536123 |
Polbeth |
Organisations | Services provided | Contact details | Areas service provided |
Stoneyburn and Bents Future Vision Group SCIO | Free meal delivery service to local elderly, vulnerable and those self isolating in Stoneyburn and BentsWe can also pick up prescriptions and shopping
Telephone service to our vulnerable residents Pennies Pantry service in partnership with WLFIN Blether Service – Weekly calls for anyone who would benefit from a friendly chat. |
07399 231814 If you are able to volunteer please contact the Group |
Stoneyburn and Bents and the surrounding environments. |
West Calder
Organisation | Services provided | Contact details | Areas service provided |
West Calder and Harburn Community Development Trust |
Brunch Club @ Home inquiries should be made on 07926 172029.Volunteer inquiries should be made to getinvolved@ westcalder.orgRequests for support and general inquiries can be made on 01506 872931 or at |
West Calder, Harburn & Polbeth directly, Addiewell & Breich in partnership with other local organisations. |
Services provided
Contact details
Areas support provided
Linlithgow Link
Support for isolated by illness, age, or infirmity in Linlithgow & Linlithgow Bridge. Can support with food/prescription pick up through volunteers. Also offer befriending call service to its clients
Linlithgow & Linlithgow Bridge
Linlithgow Coronavirus Support (led by St Michael’s Parish Church)
Livingston North Wide
Organisations | Services provided | Contact details | Areas service provided |
St. Peter’s RC Church |
Father Simon Hughes 01506 438787 |
Livingston North |
Organisations | Services provided | Contact details | Areas service provided |
Livingston United Parish Church | Help can be provided with delivering shopping, providing baking and meals and especially providing a phone call service (either one off or regular check in). | Ken Brown 07366622365 kenneth.brown@churchof |
Throughtout Livingston (Knightsridge, Ladywell, Howden, Craigshill, Dedridge, Murieston & Carmondean) |
Organisation | Service provided | Contact details | Areas service provided |
The Vennie |
Tom Heron 01506 432094 Community News Facebook |
Knightsridge |
Livingston South Wide
Organisations | Service provided | Contact details | Areas service provided |
Lanthorn Management Committee |
Donna Lee 07869 507241 donna.lanthorn77@ hotmail.comKaryn Kirton 07387 932523Mairi Dalglish 07774 023927 |
Dedridge, Adambrae & Murieston |
Organisations | Service provided | Contact details | Areas service provided |
Ladywell Community Fridge, LNN and Baptist Church |
Ann Lee 07565 536398 ladywellnn@hotmail.comSybil Scott 07841 290184 sybil.scott45@outlook.comLadywell Community Fridge Facebook |
Ladywell, Eliburn, Howden & Livingston Village |
Inveralmond Community High School |
(open from 12-2pm) |
Suzie Young suzie.young@ |
Organisations | Service provided | Contact details | Areas service provided |
Murieston Community Council |
Davidson McQuarrie (Secretary) 07504 561029 davidson.mcquarrie@ |
Murieston |
Organisations | Service provided | Contact details | Areas service provided |
Salvation Army | Phone calls to those who may feel isolated and help with any urgent supplies | Captain Lisa Cunningham Lisa.Cunningham@ 01506 430272 / 07818 689929 |
Howden & Livingston |
Organisations | Service provided | Contact details | Areas service provided |
Community Action Blackburn (CAB) | Working with football club to roll out the Brunch club using the football clubs premises. | Lisa Drinnan 07808 698975 @gmail.comAlison Kerr 07889 202504Brian Smillie 07769 314387 |
Blackburn |
Blackburn Family Centre | Distribution of food packages, etc to vulnerable people | Jacalyn Sinnott childcare.blackburnfamily |
Blackburn & some surrounding areas |
Organisation | Service provided | Contact details | Areas service provided |
Whitburn Community Development Trust | Open weekdays between 10-12, for Community Fridge service (which reuses surplus supermarket stock). Starting to recruit Volunteers to support us in collecting surplus food across the community and county; delivering food parcels; picking up and delivering prescriptions. Working with online Facebook groups to help enable a Whitburn-wide response. |
David MacDonald 01501 748708 |
Whitburn |
St Barbara Catholic Parish | St Barbara Catholic Parish consists of Churches in Whitburn(St Joseph’s) and Armadale (Sacred Heart and St Anthony’s). We have formed a volunteer’s group of 8 people who are able to reach out to the needy ones in Armadale and Whitburn. |
Fr Sebastian Thuruthippillil 01501 740348 |
Whitburn & Armadale |
West Lothian
Organisation | Services provided | Contact details | Areas service provided |
Crosspoints Community Church |
Robert Bell (Pastor) 07939 038179 |
West Lothian |
The Food Train | Food shopping and delivery service during this time for over 65s. | Jenny White 07801 707736 |
West Lothian |
Youth Action Project | Collection of any donations & Food parcels – Deliveries West Lothian wide providing produce is available prescription deliveries.Website – information for young people and parents.Exercise – In urgent cases support an hour bike rides or walk for most challenging young people, adhering to social distancing. |
Helen Davis 07719 716913 organisations and groups food parcel requests |
West Lothian |
Home-Start West Lothian |
Allie Cherry-Byrnes 01506 415755 |
West Lothian |
West Lothian Bike Library |
David Liddell 07724 667321 |
West Lothian |
West Lothian Foodbank |
Kathleen Neilly 01501 229307 Kathleen@westlothian. Turnbull 07785 721454 Support@westlothian. |
West Lothian |
The Smith-Magenis Syndrome (SMS) Foundation UK | Switched to hosting video social calls, and information and support phone line. Extensive support on social media. Have suspended research projects, physical social events and in person family support, and small grants scheme. | Nigel Over 01506 429970 |
HomeAid | Furniture, transport. Distribution of food and emergency Scottish welfare fund application delivery |
Willie Dunn 07887 794975 Ceo@homeaid |
West Lothian |
The Larder West Lothian | Fresh food or food parcels to people in their homes. The Larder can do the food and have agreed with Homeaid that they could do the delivery. | Angela Moohan 01506 412819 |
Macmillan Cancer Support | Telephone Befriending | Kathryn Speirs 07801 307086 |
West Lothian |
Bridge Community Project | Financial Wellbeing, Counselling | Alan Davidson 07976144720 alan@bridgecommunity |
West Lothian |
Artlink Edinburgh | We continue to engage with our service users remotely through email, WhatsApp and other forms of digital communication. Service users have been set projects, will receive one to one tutorials by artists and can participate in group work through Zoom. | Jan-Bert van den Berg 07779 659054 janbert@artlink |
Handicabs |
Kelvin Cochrane 07727 021399 kelvin.cochrane@ |
West Lothian |
West Lothian Financial Inclusion Network | Food distribution, social isolation phone calls | Carol Henry 01501 771775 |
West Lothian |
Alzheimer Scotland | Online, telephone, social media and digital support | Lesley Millar 07500 498574 |
Circle (West Lothian Project) | Staff will be providing support to families over the telephone, via text and e-mail and by using video calling where possible. Workers will contact families regularly to offer as much help as we can such as food distribution. | Alex Collop 07703 714764 |
West Lothian |
Safe Families |
Andrew Murray 07766 365733 andrewmurray@ |
West Lothian |
Carers of West Lothian | Offering information and advice to all carers and disabled adults in West Lothian as well as signposting to specialist organisations. Helping with any questions in general as well as those relating to Coronavirus. Also offering peer support groups being run via Zoom including Carers Coffee Mornings, mental health support group, bereaved carers support groups, social groups for disabled adults and groups for young carers. | Alison Wright 01506 448000 |
West Lothian |
No Limits | Skype Club for members | Paul Weddell 01506 855914 |
West Lothian |
Victim Support West Lothian | Telephone, web chat and email support. We can provide information and emotional support via these channels. | Stephanie Simpson 0800 160 1985 victimsupport.westlothian |
West Lothian |
River Kids | We can offer the following to isolated individuals: clothes/toys/books/games/toiletries (if available) and baby items (nappies/wipes) etc. (Requests from community groups are to be made direct, those who normally benefit from our services will need to make a request via their normal contact.) |
Lynda Sneddon 07908 148549 |
West Lothian |
The School Bank West Lothian | We are providing educational packs to children who are being home schooled. We are aiming to provide stationery (pens, pencils, paper, erasers, sharpeners), crafts and activities for children who are struggling at home due to having limited resources. We would like to support these children to access some learning opportunities to help them learn at home and support their mental wellbeing. Many families are struggling to purchase these resources during this difficult period. | Kirstin Shemilt 07779 226468 chair@schoolbank- |
West Lothian |
Gig Buddies West Lothian | Gig Buddies is a befriending programme that pairs local people with people with a learning disability. Buddies are paired based on mutual interests such as music tastes, hobbies, sports etc, and other factors such as location and age. This could be anything from going to see live music, the theatre or going for coffee, whatever your “gig” is. We are still recruiting volunteers, and have moved our training session online. Although we aren’t able to get out to gigs at the moment, we have lot’s of social events and opportunities for volunteers to get to know their buddy over the coming months. | Debbie Forsyth 07921 289625 |
West Lothian, Edinburgh & Glasgow |
Orgaisations | Services provided | Contact details | Areas service provided |
Livingston Round Table |
Craig Fowler contact@livingstonround or Facebook page |
Livingston |
Kidzeco | Providing (and delivering) free baby and children’s essentials through our KidzStart project to harder to reach families in our community. | Tracy Murdoch 07766 522715 tracy.murdoch@ |
Family and Community Development West Lothian | We are providing emergency childcare to key workers and vulnerable children | Raymond Branton 01506 857158 |
West Lothian(We may be able to deliver supplies in Armadale, Bridgend and Stoneyburn but this depends on staff availability) |