Corra Foundation Henry Duncan Grants

Published: October 14, 2024

The Corra Foundation’s Henry Duncan Grants 2024 is for women-led organisations in Scotland that support women and girls within their local communities. Henry Duncan Grants will provide unrestricted funding of £40,000 across five years (£8,000 per year) to charities and registered not for profit organisations with a yearly income of up to £250,000.
In 2024, there are two different types of Henry Duncan Grants:
  • Grants for Women Led Organisations
    Henry Duncan Grants will provide unrestricted funding to organisations led by women. The organisation’s work needs to have a focus on supporting women and girls (aged 12+) who have experienced gender-based violence. This could include working in prevention of gender-based violence, supporting women and girls currently experiencing gender-based violence or working with survivors.
  • Grants for Women Led Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Organisations
    Henry Duncan Grants for Women Led Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Organisations will provide unrestricted funding for organisations that are led by Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic women and are working on issues that impact women and girls (aged 12+) in their communities. We would particularly welcome applications from women led organisations within the Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic communities whose work includes addressing the impacts of violence against women and girls, although this is not a requirement for an organisation to apply.
Can I apply?
Your organisation should:
  • Have an income of up to £250,000
  • Be a registered charity or other registered not–for-profit entity (such as a Community Interest Company (CIC), social enterprise or private company limited by guarantee without share capital) registered on Companies House, with governing documents that state that:

The organisation is not for profit or has a clear clause ensuring that all income is applied to the organisation’s purposes and not distributed to members, shareholders or owners.

There is a dissolution clause/lock in place requiring assets are distributed to an organisation with similar charitable aims in the instance of closure.

You have at least 3 Directors/committee members and no one person has majority control.

  • Be delivering work in Scotland that supports women and/or girls (aged 12+) and have been for at least a minimum period of 12 months AND Listens to and involves women and/or girls in your work, ensuring the voices and views of your service users are heard.
Henry Duncan Grants will close for applications on Wednesday 30 October 2024 at 12pm.For more information, please click the above title.

For further information, please visit the Henry Duncan Grants webpage, or contact their team directly by email: or phone: 0131 444 4020 (then option 2 followed by option 1).

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