Former Cederbank School – Surplus furniture OPEN DAY
Following the closure of the old Cederbank School, West Lothian Council is looking to make available all remaining school furniture to local community groups in West Lothian. Most of the former classrooms have all of the original furniture left in situ and there are also kitchen items available as well as general storage units etc. This community visit from last year was put on you tube and gives a general idea of what is in the building.
To allow West Lothian charities and voluntary organisations access to view and pick up furniture West Lothian Council is holding an open day on Thursday, 26th January 2023 between 10am and 12pm in:
Cederbank School.
Ladywell East
EH54 6DR
West Lothian
United Kingdom
Note: Not to be confused with the new campus in Dedridge
Items are free on a first come first served basis and can be collected on the day if groups are prepared with transport to do this. Groups can also inspect the items left and attach sticky notes to reserve furniture but must make arrangement to pick up. To allow for this a second date has been arranged for Monday, 30th January between 2pm and 4pm to allow for any final pick up.
If you have any questions please contact Darren Stenhouse, Property Services, West Lothian Council at