Volunteering Matters Action Earth has grants up to £250 to support volunteers carrying out habitat creation and improvements in Scotland’s built up areas and surrounding sites.
Projects can include tree-planting, wildflower meadow creation, wildlife habitat builds, pond work, community gardens & woodlands and improvements to other green spaces. Grants can be used to purchase plants, tools and materials.
This year, we are looking to support projects based primarily in cities, towns and villages or in urban adjacent green spaces. We can support rural projects if they are based in areas of multiple deprivation or if 50% of their volunteers have disabilities or health issues.
Francesca Ososwska, Chief Executive of NatureScot who fund the campaign says: “Action Earth is a brilliant way for communities to make space for nature and protect local greenspaces, native wildlife and habitats – in turn, helping tackle the nature and climate crises. I encourage groups to apply and look forward to lots of exciting projects this year.”
We all have a part to play in valuing, restoring and protecting our natural world. Get together. Work out you can do to help. Apply to Action Earth!
For more information and to make an application: https://volunteeringmatters.org.uk/project/action-earth/
To discuss project ideas contact robert.henderson@volunteeringmatters.org.uk