Met Office Community Resilience Free Training Programme

Published: December 17, 2023


The Met Office has launched their Community Resilience training programme for 2024.

The programme includes various courses aimed at people who work or volunteer in their local community, to help make the community more resilient to severe weather events. The courses aim to provide an opportunity for community responders and the third sector who work closely with local responders to increase their knowledge and find sources of information to assist them as they respond to severe weather.

Courses will be held via Teams. There is no fee to attend a course, but it is necessary to register so people are able to receive joining instructions and handouts. Participants should also be aware that the team delivering these courses is operational; this means if there is severe weather around the time of the course (especially those requiring a significant number of the team to respond), courses may be postponed at short notice.

For further information, including how to book your place at any course, please view or download the 2024 training programme as a pdf.

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