NHS Lothian has launched their Health Improvement Fund on the Public Contracts Scotland (PCS) portal.
The Health Improvement Fund exists to fund and support health improvement activities across Lothian. The main function of health improvement is to prevent ill-health, promote and protect health and reduce health inequalities. The funding is expected for a three-year period and we anticipate a contract start date of 1st October 2023
Fund requirement
A requirement of this funding will be the submission of a collaborative proposal from a group of local organisations looking to work together. A lead organisation will submit the proposal, detailing the involvement of partner organisations.
Fund outcome and aims
Proposals are being sought to deliver a programme of work focused on the outcome: Healthy, safe and vibrant places and communities in West Lothian.
Proposals should use preventative and early intervention approaches and be underpinned by actions at a population level to meet one of the following aims:
- Develop spaces, practices and initiatives that support health and wellbeing, tackle inequalities and improve the environment.
- Develop spaces, practices and initiatives that contribute to a sustainable, inclusive economy and community wealth building
Amount of funding available
NHS Lothian intends to select 2 proposals and enter into contract with 2 separate bidding organisations. Proposals should be in the region of, and not exceed, £100,000 per annum. Applicants can submit more than one proposal if they address different aims.
Additional information
We are planning a Teams information session on Thursday 27th July at 12pm. The session will be recorded and made available for those unable to attend. Please contact Helen Hassall if you are interested in attending this session.
If you are interested to know more about Healthy Places and Community Wealth Building to inform your proposal the following resources may be of interest.
- Briefing – Place & Wellbeing Outcomes
- Video – Community Wealth Building across the ESES City Region Deal Area
- Case Studies – Place Based Working
Please share this information with partners and networks to ensure there is good awareness across organisations in West Lothian and an opportunity for collaborative discussions before the tender goes live.
Contact: Helen Hassall, Population Health Project Manager, NHS Lothian helen.hassall@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk