NHS Lothian will be launching their Health Improvement Fund in the coming weeks. The Health Improvement Fund exists to fund and support health improvement activities across Lothian. The funding is expected in 2023 for a three-year period (subject to confirmation from the Scottish Government).
In West Lothian the total amount of funding available will be £200,000. Two suppliers are being sought, therefore there will be two pots of £100,000 per annum available to apply for.
NHS Lothian will be seeking proposals to deliver a programme of work which helps to achieve the outcome:
Shaping healthy, safe and vibrant places and communities in West Lothian.
A requirement of the funding will be for organisations to work with others locally to create a collaborative proposal.
Proposals should use preventative and early intervention approaches and be underpinned by actions at a population level to meet one of the following aims:
- Develop spaces, practices and initiatives that support health and wellbeing, tackle inequalities and improve the environment.
- Develop spaces, practices and initiatives that contribute to a sustainable, inclusive economy and community wealth building.
The current expectation is that the tender will be published around the end of April in the hope that new contracts will be awarded for commencement from the start of July. The tender will be advertised on the Public Contracts Scotland website.
For any queries contact helen.hassall@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk.