Changing Lifestyles, Ageing Well


The Ageing Well project promotes healthy lifestyles for adults over 50 in West Lothian. The Changing Lifestyle Project is part funded by NHS Lothian, West Lothian Leisure Xcite and West Lothian Council. The project is a Lothian wide initiative and is part of the UK Ageing Well network.

Aging Well aims to increase the expectation of good health in later life with activities that improve physical health, mental health and wellbeing. The emphasis is on meeting new people and making physical activity accessible and enjoyable.

Ageing Well West Lothian at West Lothian Leisure Xcite has over 17 years of successfully making a
significant difference to the lives of those who regularly attend our activities. Volunteers and the Xcite Team help to achieve this by encouraging and supporting participation in physical activity such as guided walks, dancing, exercise, singing, indoor kurling, knitting and swimming.

Contact details

Phone number:
01501 237950
Email address:
Xcite Whitburn Leisure Centre West Main Street
EH47 0QE

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