Adults at risk of harm have the right to be supported and protected. It is everyone’s responsibility to ensure they receive the help they need.
If an adult discloses harm or mistreatment:
- Listen and Reassure: Take them seriously, listen carefully, and reassure them that they are safe and that you will seek support for them.
- Do Not Promise Secrecy: Information must be shared with Social Work or the Police promptly. Only share details with those who need to know.
What to Do and Who to Contact
If you suspect an adult is at risk of harm:
- Speak to someone about it as soon as possible.
Immediate Danger:
- Call the police on 999.
- Contact Police Scotland on 101.
Less Urgent:
- Adult Social Care Enquiry Team:
- Tel: 01506 284848
- Email:
- Hours: Monday to Thursday: 8.30am – 5pm, Friday: 8.30am – 4pm
Outside Office Hours:
- Social Care Emergency Team:
- Tel: 01506 281028/9
Local Social Work Centres (Ages 16-65):
- Broxburn: Tel: 01506 284440
- Livingston: Tel: 01506 282252
- Tel: 101 (Non-Emergency)
- Emergency: 999
For more information, visit Public Protection West Lothian.