Substance Use Consultation – Secondary Aged Young people and Parents

Published: May 29, 2023


Alcohol and drug use is a growing concern for people residing and working within West Lothian.  Drug and alcohol use, harm to communities, health harm, hospital admissions and early preventable death are increasing and impacting upon people unfairly within West Lothian. 

The multidisciplinary Prevention/Early intervention working group would like to learn about your experiences and ideas around drugs and alcohol sessions within the secondary school setting. We wish to support work which can increase peoples knowledge around substance use (young people, parents and staff within a school setting).  We plan to ask staff delivering the health and well being curriculum, parents and young people what their learning experiences are currently and what information they would like to access to in the future.

We are asking for your support by supporting families and young people to have the opportunity to advise us of their current experiences and future hopes.  I attach the questionnaire below or alternatively the QR codes attached above.  The surveys have a maximum of 10 questions, all multiple choice and will take less than 3 minutes to complete.

The surveys will close on 19th June, thank you for your participation in advance.

Young people:


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