I would like to nominate Cameron McConnachie of Livingston Speakers a part of Toastmaster International for helping keep the club viable and grow during the pandemic.
Cameron has an accident on 25th March 2020 resulting in a fractured vertebrae. The week before on 20th March the club had agreed to go online, and we currently meet on Zoom.
During our face to face meeting his role was to ensure the room was laid out materials available for example Agenda and any other requirements of the speakers.For those who do not know much about Toastmasters we are a voluntary non for profit group who follow a programme of a choice of 11 paths currently members are working on subjects such as Persuasive Influence, visionary Communication, Presentation Mastery to name a few.
Zoom was new to all of us and even with his injury he ensured that members were able to use the technology available. We meet 15 minutes prior to start of meeting, to ensure any guests are given advice and support in using Zoom. Checking audio and camera are working and explaining functions.
This has helped the club maintain our meetings have continued. Cameron also undertook training available on zoom from Toastmasters and he is now a member of the zoom academy who help and support other clubs running contests or events where his knowledge has helped in the smooth running of events.
This has helped improve his confidence and skills gained from this has resulted in him helping clubs in Ireland, and the United Kingdom.
He recently was involved in the UK and Ireland District 71 conference which was a 3-day event and working with the zoom academy colleagues helped provide support to keynote speakers and members of clubs.
His involvement has helped place Livingston Speakers as a club that has grown in membership and evolved in Scotland, UK & Ireland.

Livingston Speakers meets Thursday currently on Zoom ID 2964385770 soon to be hybrid meeting online and at Crofthead Farm, Livingston.
Linlithgow Speakers meets Tuesday 7.30 currently on Zoom.
Without club members and officers working hard for the club then we would not have been able to survive. A big Thank You to Cameron who has helped our club and beyond.
Helen Kelly