Posted on behalf of West Space
There are many different things in life that can impact your wellbeing such as your lifestyle, work, relationships, and past experiences. There are also things which can help good wellbeing.
You may have heard of the 5 Ways to Wellbeing, which is based on research carried out by the New Economics Foundation. We know that money matters can affect your wellbeing, particularly with the cost-of-living crisis, so we have added a 6th Way to Wellbeing on financial wellbeing.
West Space hosts the West Lothian 6 Ways to Wellbeing, created to help promote positive mental health and wellbeing for everyone in West Lothian. Help us spread the word so that there is a better understanding, and you know how to get the right support for you or family/friends/clients.

Wellbeing is about how well we cope with the everyday stresses of life so that we can be productive, feel happy and live our lives the way we choose. Remember that everyone’s wellbeing is different, and our wellbeing won’t always look the same. You can use the 6 Ways to Wellbeing to help support your wellbeing every day, not just during more difficult times. This can help us be more prepared for the challenges that life brings.
West Space is your online space for mental health and wellbeing information in West Lothian. West Space contains self-help materials, guides and resources and a directory of services based in West Lothian.