West Lothian Communities Mental Health & Wellbeing Fund – Year 4 Report

Published: January 31, 2025


A total of 41 organisations received funding through Year 4 of the fund.

  • Total Applications: 82
  • Total Fund Awarded: £466,963.57
  • Small Grants (32 awards): £225,633.62
  • Large Grants (9 awards): £241,329.95

Alan McCloskey, CEO of VSGWL, stated, “We are delighted to announce the recipients of the Scottish Government’s £467k Mental Health and Wellbeing Year 4 Fund. This much-needed fund enables grassroots organisations to support vulnerable adults across West Lothian from the impacts of social isolation, loneliness, poverty, and inequality.”

Delivers therapeutic activities (meditation, crafts, Reiki, book club, community garden, games) for individuals affected by addiction, poverty, domestic violence, and poor mental health, fostering community re-engagement and skill-building.

VIVA Boghall provides support to isolated individuals (young mothers, bereaved, older people, asylum seekers, and those affected by the cost-of-living crisis) through a welcoming hub at Boghall Parish Church Hall.

Funding specialist transport for group outings.

Provides free, targeted football sessions and off-pitch opportunities for various groups, particularly women experiencing gender-based violence.

Runs a weekly Wellbeing Conservation group, creating a safe and inclusive space for personal growth and connection with nature.

Delivering holistic support to vulnerable individuals, addressing mental health and financial resilience.

Establishing a Warm Hub for isolated individuals, providing activities such as film screenings, quizzes, and gentle exercise.

Providing community-based mental health first aid training to increase awareness and reduce stigma.

Offering helpline support and one-to-one sessions for those facing mental health and practical challenges.

Addresses community issues using a person-centered approach in rural, isolated areas impacted by the cost-of-living crisis.

Running an eight-session mental health programme for men featuring guest speakers from the football industry.

Provides accessible creativity programs for marginalised community members, focusing on early intervention to reduce mental health inequalities and social isolation. Includes a weekly program for vulnerable young adults (18-25) and Veteran Engagement Events.

Offers out-of-school experiences for pupils with ASN, promoting personal growth, social development, and positive destinations.

Running a weekly dance and movement class for people with Parkinson’s.

Delivering the Wild Ways Well project, combining nature-based activities with mental health strategies.

Expanding inclusive community activities, including a woodworking programme to combat social isolation.

Supporting isolated individuals through befriending, a memory café, and social activities.

Developing a Timber Craft Studio to provide practical skills and social opportunities.

Operating community cafés and meals to foster social inclusion and bereavement support.

Creating a support network for parent carers of adult children with additional needs.

Enhancing pop-up cafe and community cinema events in Murieston with audio-visual and cafe equipment.

Providing mental health and suicide prevention services, reducing stigma and offering safe spaces for support.

Provides support for unpaid carers of autistic adults, who are often isolated and lack access to post-diagnostic support.

Enhances mental health and wellbeing support for young people (16-25) affected by homelessness, helping them access activities, resources, and community support.

Delivers ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training) to the West Lothian community.

Provides sporting equipment for over 1,000 elderly people, enabling participation in various activities and competitions.

Improves mental health and wellbeing for individuals suffering from mental health and trauma issues.

Funding will support the growth of three Sporting Memories Clubs, using sport to connect older people, reduce isolation, and improve mental and physical well-being.

Addresses loneliness and social isolation among the 50+ community through inclusive activities that promote mental and physical health.

Provides targeted activities and wellbeing support for adults caring for or bereaved of a child with cancer.

Expanding its "Embracing Change" menopause support initiative, offering workshops and resources, particularly for BAME women.

Provides early intervention support to help young people with mental health challenges engage in learning and fulfill their potential.

Organises day trips, outings, and entertainment for service users, reducing isolation and providing sensory stimulation.

Continues and expands its "Good Connections" social prescribing service and wellbeing activity program.

Delivers a program of activities and events for older people across West Lothian, promoting fun, education, healthy lifestyles, and social connection.

Delivers culturally sensitive workshops addressing mental health challenges, help-seeking behaviours, resilience, and stigma for BME women.

Expands its offering for older adults with a weekly holistic program of low-impact physical activity, including yoga, meditation, and breathwork.

Delivers a program to support women in understanding abusive relationships and developing self-care strategies for recovery.

Funding will support a Men’s Shed project, providing a structured space for elderly, socially isolated men to connect. In partnership with Winchburgh Growing Group, the initiative will run year-round, promoting social interaction, activity, and wellbeing.

Funding will support a Community Garden, fostering social connections, intergenerational bonding, and community revitalisation.

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