West Lothian Council Fostering Panel Membership

Published: November 8, 2023


The Family Placement Team supports foster carers who provide care to children and young people from 0 to 18 years. The service is currently recruiting panel members to sit on the West Lothian fostering panel. We are keen to recruit panel members who have particular experience, knowledge and skills working with children and young people and have a good understanding of the needs of this group.

The Panel is responsible for making recommendations to the agency decision maker on;  

  1. The consideration and approval of prospective foster carers;
  1. Annual review of foster carers
  1. The consideration of requests for a change in the approval status of foster carers;
  2. the decision as to whether an foster carer can continue to be approved following a major change in circumstance or a serious complaint against them.

The panel is made up of a chair and two panel members and generally sit on Tuesday and Thursday mornings.

There will be an induction process to ensure you have a full understanding of the aims and objectives of the service, the remit of the Panel, as well as your roles and responsibilities as a panel member.

Attached is the service’s statement of purpose and latest care inspectorate report.

If you are interested in becoming a panel member please contact angela.ferguson@westlothian.gov.uk for further information.

Statement of Purpose – Fostering

Inspection Report

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