The Women’s Fund for Scotland (WFS) aims to promote systemic change in Scotland to empower women, and to help overcome the multiple disadvantages and discriminatory practices that females experience throughout their lives. WFS has a vision of a Scotland in which women participate equally at all levels of society, free from any barriers to full and equal engagement in political, institutional, economic, and cultural life, including freedom from the fear of sex-based violence. To date the Fund has distributed over £3m in grants to over 640 community groups and local charities.
All members of the community will benefit from the empowerment the Fund brings to women.
All applications will be considered according to WFS funding priorities. Applications which most clearly fit one or more of these will be prioritised. They are:
- Women’s organisations, especially those run by and for women
- Community-based organisations running projects with women and girls
- Projects supporting disadvantaged women and girls
- Empowering women and making a tangible difference to their lives
- Supporting women to escape and recover from domestic, sexual, and sex-based violence
- Using our limited resources for maximum long-term impact and improving organisational sustainability
- To ensure so far as possible Scotland-wide distribution of fund
Organisations that have a proven track record of working with women and girls can apply for an unrestricted grant of up to £5,000.00.
For organisations that choose to apply for project specific funding, please be reminded that you cannot submit a request for less than 25% of your total project cost. This means that your overall project budegt cannot exceed £20,000.00.
Applicants should give three SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-based) objectives relating to their work with women and girls. These objectives should relate to WFS investment themes and will form the basis for monitoring at the end of the grant. Priority will be given to organisations that can demonstrate previous achievements from their work and who have plans for longer term sustainability.
This fund has around £100,000.00 for grant distribution. Based on previous years, around 25% of organisations are awarded funding.
Who can apply?
All applicants must fit Foundation Scotland’s funding criteria. Before progressing your application please visit their Common eligibility criteria
Properly constituted organisations may apply, including charities, social enterprises and unincorporated organisations.
Organisations with an annual turnover of less than £500,000 are eligible for funding. Please note if they are oversubscribed, they will give priority consideration to organisations with an annual turnover of £300,000 or less.
In addition, for the Women’s Fund for Scotland, applications will be prioritised for women’s organisations, especially those run by and for women and community-based organisations running projects with women and girls.
How to apply
You can watch a short video which walks potential applicants through the application process here.
Please find the link to the application form here.
The closing date for applications is Monday 18 November 2024.