In early 2016 the TSSG was relaunched to serve the need for the sector and to facilitate and support engagement with national and local policy development and planning structures e.g. CPP, (Hereafter ‘forums’) across West Lothian.
The role of Voluntary Sector Gateway West Lothian (hereafter ‘the Gateway’)
- Facilitate the sector to engage with strategic forums such as, CPP, PDSP, IJB, PPC etc. across West Lothian
- Support and build capacity within the sector to engage meaningfully.
- Develop and support communications within the sector and between the sector and the forums.
- Enable sector reps to engage with forums.
- Represent the interests of the sector when appropriate.
The role of the TSSG
- Provide information to the Gateway about the needs of the sector at national and local policy development level and the delivery of the work plan.
- To facilitate sector reps at forums representing the sector and not just narrow organisational interests.
- To facilitate the setting up of appropriate systems for the constituencies of organisations in each thematic/geographic group e.g. children and families, local regeneration planning etc
- To facilitate communications both up and down between forums and the sector and within and across the sector.
- To influence policy and planning nationally across the sector.
- Act as a ‘sounding board’ to provide advice to the Gateway on its future strategies and plans.
- Membership is open to all Third Sector organisations operating in West Lothian.
- Attendees of the TSSG represent their own organisation and the wider thematic group.
- The wider thematic groups will decide on 1 and preferably 2 organisations (for resilience) to represent them at forums.
Role of Chair
- The Chair will have an independent role separate from Gateway staff, trustees and volunteers.
- The Chair will be elected from the TSSG attendees every two years.
- Meetings will be held every 6-8 weeks.
- The Gateway will provide administrative support for the meetings.
- Agenda items should be submitted to the Chair up to 10 working days before the meeting.
- The agenda and any papers will be issued one week prior to the meeting. The action notes will be issued within one week of the meeting.
- These TOR will be reviewed annually.
CPP – Community Planning Partnership
PDSP – Policy Development and Scrutiny Panel
IJB – (Health and Social Care) Integration Joint Board
PPC – Public Protection Committee
TSSG/Jan 2020