16 days of Action 2023 – West Lothian Activity

Published: November 10, 2023


16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence is an international campaign to challenge violence against women and girls.

The campaign runs every year from 25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, to 10 December, Human Rights Day.

West Lothian Health and Social Care Partnership had lots going on in 2022 over the 16 days for people to get involved with, from joining their march to taking part in online discussions. They want to thank everyone who took part and showed their support.

Men and women can also make the promise to never commit, excuse or remain silent about male violence against women by signing the White Ribbon online pledge.

Men are encouraged to wear a white ribbon for the 16 days to show their support to women and their condemnation of gender-based crime.

Download the Pledge Card.

Date Event
Pre Campaign

(Thursday 23rd November)

16:00-18:00 - MVP Pupil Mentor Conference

Mentors in Violence Prevention (MVP) pupil mentors from each West Lothian secondary school are coming together at West Calder High. There will be a keynote speech from GBV survivor Coady Dorman and pupils will have the opportunity to discuss MVP and develop collaboration with mentors from other schools. The conference will be supported by partner agencies including Police Scotland and West Lothian Women's Aid.

Pre Campaign

(Friday 24th November)

The West Lothian 16 Days of Action Campaign Starts Today!

Follow the campaign and help us raise awareness by sharing and re-tweeting!

Use #imagine to share your messages and videos

West Lothian Womens Aid (WLWA) are also launching their new website.

10.15 - Community March from Howden Park Centre, Livingston to Civic Centre, Livingston - ALL invited and welcome to support the cause and raise awareness about gender based violence.

10.45 - Rally at the front of Civic Centre with key note speakers

11:00 - One-minute silence to honour women and children across the world who have lost their lives to gender based violence.

Day 1 

(Sat 25th November)

Supporting Survivors of Gender Based Violence by Wellbeing Scotland webinar on HSCP website
Day 2 

(Sun 26th November)

Understanding the importance of boundaries by WLWA webinar on HSCP website
Day 3 

(Mon 27th November)

Take this opportunity to enhance your own understanding of Domestic Abuse.


Council employees are invited to increase their knowledge and complete the Domestic Abuse Awareness Raising e-module that can be accessed here Course: DAART (westlothian.gov.uk)


An overview of the Domestic Abuse Awareness Raising Tool can also be found: - Overview (daart.scot)

Day 4 

(Tues 28th November)

16:00-17:00 - Gender Based Violence Information Session for Council Employees


Register for the event here https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/gender-based-violence-information-session-for-wlc-employees-tickets-753211555037?aff=oddtdtcreator

Understanding Psychological trauma by Wellbeing Scotland webinar on HSCP website.

Day 5 

(Wed 29th November)

Time to be confirmed - Bystander Intervention Training/ Healthy relationships at West Lothian College for students, by Police Scotland and The Domestic and Sexual Assault Team (DASAT)
Day 6

(Thurs 30th November)

12:00 - 14:00 - An opportunity for women from Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic and Refugee (BAMER) communities to connect and come together, co-hosted by West Lothian Council, Shakti Womens Aid and WLWA.


*contactClaire.Marr@westlothian.gov.ukfor further info*


10:00 - 16:00 - Dynamics of domestic abuse and the impact of coercive control on children and adult survivors by Lynne Withnell, Team manager at DASAT, and Dawn Ross, Court Contact Children's Rights Officer.


Register for the event here https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/dynamics-of-domestic-abuse-and-the-impact-of-coercive-control-tickets-751607286627?aff=oddtdtcreator

Day 7

(Fri 1st December)

10:00-11:30 - Online session - Children's Rights Officer Court-ordered contact for children who have experienced domestic abuse Information session by Dawn Ross


13:00-16:00 - The Impact of Social Media on Boys and Men with David Russell.


Register for the event here https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/the-impact-of-social-media-on-boys-and-men-with-david-russell-tickets-753142398187?aff=oddtdtcreator

Day 8

(Sat 2nd December)

10:00-12:00 - Women's Retreat Day for survivors of gender based violence, a chance to relax and reconnect mind, body and soul.


15:00 kick off - Police Scotland promoting 'That Guy' Campaign at Livingston Football Club V Ross County match.

Day 9

(Sun 3rd December)

West Lothian Womens Aid Children and Young Person Service on HSCP website
Day 10

(Mon 4th December)

Therapy for adult survivors of childhood abuse on HSCP website
Day 11

(Tues 5th December)

12:30-13:30 - DASAT drop in day in Conference Room 2, Civic Centre, Livingston.



Day 12

(Wed 6th December)

Time tbc - DASAT Input at West Lothian College


White Ribbon Day at West Lothian College for all students and staff.


Day 13

(Thurs 7th December)

12:30 - 13:30 - Silent Disco in Conference Room 2, Civic Centre, Livingston, organised by DASAT and available for all staff.


Bring your own earphones and device, along with £1 donation. Any donations will be used to provide emergency supplies to survivors of domestic abuse and are working with DASAT.


Day 14

(Fri 8th December)

10:00 - 17:00 - Art Exhibition at Compass Point, West Lothian College

Visitors come to compass point, collect a token for a hot drink which can then be exchanged at the email café.


16.00 - 17.00 - Survivors Night Vigil at the front of the Civic Centre, Livingston to close the campaign.

Join us to unite and celebrate survival, strength and recovery.

Co-hosted by West Lothian Womens Aid and The Domestic and Sexual Assault Team.

Day 15

(Sat 9th December)

15:00 kick off - Police Scotland promoting 'That Guy' Campaign at Livingston Football Club V Hibernian Football Club match.
Day 16

(Sun 10th December)

End of campaign


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