1 Getting Started


Launching a voluntary organisation can seem overwhelming, especially if you’re new to the sector. However, the basics are simple: 

You and at least two others sharing a common goal can form a voluntary organisation by following these steps: 

Build a Committee: Gather at least three people who don’t live at the same address. Assign roles like Chairperson, Treasurer, and Secretary. 

  1. Create Rules: Develop a governing document/constitution outlining your organisation’s operation. 
  1. Formalise Your Group: Meet to adopt the governing document and open a bank account. 
  1. Open a Bank Account: Take the signed governing document, meeting minutes, and identification to a bank to open a treasurer’s account. 

Contrary to what many believe, you don’t need to register with a local authority or other body at this point. You can start fundraising and delivering services with a governing document and bank account. 

But there’s more to consider than these initial steps. Questions about risks, legal structures, and charitable status will arise. Our Resource Kit provides in-depth guidance from defining your purpose to understanding your legal options. You can get information here: 



1.1 Legal Structures

1.2 Unincorporated Association

1.3 Trusts

1.4 Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation

1.5 Limited Company

1.6 Community Interest Companies

1.7 Developing a Governing Document

1.8 Writing your Organisations Purposes

1.9 Applying for Charitable Status

1.10 Applying for Company Status

1.11 Applying for CIC Status

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