Place Based Investment Programme 2023-2024

Published: June 22, 2023


West Lothian Council invites applications for capital projects that support community-led local regeneration as part of the Scottish Government’s Place Based Investment Programme (PBIP) 2023-2024. The allocations of the PBIP funding are for local authorities to decide, working collaboratively with local communities, business and third and public sectors, to support shared local plans and aspirations.

In 2023/2024 £600,000 will be allocated for Community Wealth Building projects, via an applications-based approach. The application should be for a capital project that addresses one or more of five themes of Community Wealth Building. There are a number of examples of capital projects being delivered in West Lothian and other areas across Scotland to deliver Community Wealth Building through the Place Based Investment Programme.

The deadline for applications is 2 August 2023 at 5pm. We encourage potential applicants get in touch with our Regeneration team as soon as possible if you need advice or guidance on the funding  by emailing

The grant is to be committed in the financial year 2023/2024.  It is expected that expenditure will be met, or at least work or contracts signed or commenced by 31 March 2024 with works completed by September 2024.


Application Form

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